
Enhance Ability 5e: Unlock Your Character’s True Potential

Empower Your Adventuring Party with Enhance Ability

Enhance Ability in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition is a versatile spell that can significantly boost your party’s performance in a variety of scenarios. Whether you need to lift heavy objects, charm a hostile NPC, or endure harsh conditions, Enhance Ability offers a solution. This article will delve into the intricacies of this spell, its applications, and how it can be maximized to benefit your adventuring party.

What is Enhance Ability?

Enhance Ability is a 2nd-level transmutation spell available to Bards, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, and Wizards. When cast, it allows the caster to touch a creature and bestow one of six enhancements that last up to an hour. These enhancements provide an advantage on specific ability checks and additional benefits unique to each enhancement.

The Six Enhancements

Bear’s Endurance

Effect: The target gains an advantage on Constitution checks and 2d6 temporary hit points.

Best Uses:

  • Tank Role: Perfect for characters who need to absorb damage.
  • Environmental Challenges: Useful for enduring harsh conditions like extreme weather or poison.
  • Concentration: Helps maintain concentration on other spells.

Bear’s Endurance is particularly beneficial for frontline fighters and spellcasters who need to maintain concentration under duress. The temporary hit points can be a lifesaver in critical situations.

Bull’s Strength

Effect: The target gains an advantage on Strength checks, and their carrying capacity doubles.

Best Uses:

  • Physical Labor: Ideal for tasks involving lifting, carrying, or breaking objects.
  • Grappling: Enhances the ability to grapple and restrain enemies.
  • Combat: Useful for Strength-based fighters and barbarians.

Bull’s Strength turns any character into a powerhouse of physical might. It’s especially useful in situations where brute force is necessary.

Cat’s Grace

Effect: The target gains an advantage on Dexterity checks and doesn’t take damage from falling 20 feet or less.

Best Uses:

  • Stealth Operations: Perfect for rogues and characters needing to move silently.
  • Acrobatics: Ideal for traversing difficult terrain or performing acrobatic feats.
  • Escape Plans: Useful for quick getaways or avoiding damage from falls.

Cat’s Grace is the go-to enhancement for characters who rely on agility and stealth. It ensures they can navigate treacherous environments and avoid detection.

Eagle’s Splendor

Effect: The target gains an advantage on Charisma checks.

Best Uses:

  • Social Interactions: Great for bards, sorcerers, and anyone needing to influence others.
  • Performances: Enhances abilities in performance and persuasion.
  • Negotiations: Crucial for diplomatic missions or bargaining.

Eagle’s Splendor transforms any character into a master of social encounters. It’s invaluable for situations requiring charm and persuasion.

Fox’s Cunning

Effect: The target gains an advantage on Intelligence checks.

Best Uses:

  • Knowledge Checks: Ideal for wizards and characters needing to recall information.
  • Investigation: Enhances abilities in solving puzzles and uncovering clues.
  • Crafting: Useful for characters involved in creating magical items or inventions.

Fox’s Cunning makes any character a font of knowledge and insight. It’s essential for intellectual challenges and investigations.

Owl’s Wisdom

Effect: The target gains an advantage on Wisdom checks.

Best Uses:

  • Perception: Great for spotting hidden threats or traps.
  • Insight: Helps in understanding others’ motives and detecting lies.
  • Survival: Enhances abilities in tracking and surviving in the wild.

Owl’s Wisdom is a must-have for druids, clerics, and any character relying on keen senses and intuition. It sharpens their ability to perceive and interpret their surroundings.

Strategic Applications of Enhance Ability

Non-Combat Scenarios

  1. Exploration and Travel: Enhance Ability can help overcome physical obstacles, endure harsh environments, and avoid natural hazards.
  2. Social Encounters: Boost Charisma checks for successful negotiations, performances, or infiltrations.
  3. Investigations: Improve Intelligence and Wisdom checks to solve mysteries and uncover secrets.

Combat Scenarios

  1. Tank and Survive: Use Bear’s Endurance to increase hit points and maintain concentration on crucial spells.
  2. Strength and Grapple: Apply Bull’s Strength for grappling and dealing with physically demanding enemies.
  3. Agility and Escape: Utilize Cat’s Grace to enhance mobility, avoid attacks, and reduce fall damage.

Enhancing Party Dynamics

Enhance Ability is not just a tool for individual characters; it can also enhance the overall effectiveness of your party. Here are some ways to integrate it into your party dynamics:

  1. Support Role: Characters like clerics and druids can use Enhance Ability to bolster their allies’ weak points, ensuring the party operates at peak efficiency.
  2. Multi-class Synergies: Multi-class characters can exploit the spell’s versatility to cover more ground. For example, a Bard/Rogue can benefit from both Charisma and Dexterity boosts.
  3. Preparation and Planning: Cast Enhance Ability during moments of respite to prepare for upcoming challenges, ensuring the party is always ready for what’s next.

Creative Uses of Enhance Ability

  1. Environmental Challenges: Use Bear’s Endurance to withstand extreme heat or cold, enabling the party to explore hazardous areas.
  2. Heavy Lifting: Apply the Bull’s Strength to move obstacles or carry large quantities of treasure.
  3. Evasion and Infiltration: Cat’s Grace helps in stealth missions, acrobatic feats, and quick escapes.
  4. Diplomatic Missions: Eagle’s Splendor enhances social interactions, making it easier to sway opinions and negotiate deals.
  5. Research and Discovery: Fox’s Cunning aids in research, crafting, and solving complex puzzles.
  6. Survival and Tracking: Owl’s Wisdom boosts survival skills, tracking abilities, and understanding of enemy tactics.


Enhance Ability is a spell of immense versatility and strategic value in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Its capacity to temporarily boost key abilities makes it an essential tool for overcoming a wide range of challenges. Whether your party is facing treacherous terrain, engaging in diplomatic negotiations, or delving into ancient mysteries, Enhance Ability can provide the edge needed to succeed. Integrate this spell into your adventuring strategy, and watch as your party’s potential is unlocked, leading to greater achievements and thrilling adventures.

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