Leadership and Innovation

Dan Hickman Dow: A Visionary in Chemical Engineering Innovation

Few names stand out as prominently in the world of chemical engineering as Dan Hickman. At Dow Chemical, one of the largest chemical manufacturing companies globally, Hickman has become synonymous with groundbreaking research and process development. His expertise in reaction engineering, reactor design, and chemical process optimization has placed him at the forefront of industrial innovation. This article delves into the life, contributions, and significant impact of Dan Hickman on both Dow and the broader chemical engineering community.

The Rise of Dan Hickman at Dow Chemical

Dan Hickman began his career in the chemical industry with an academic foundation that would become a launchpad for his success. After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Iowa State University, Hickman pursued a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, one of the top chemical engineering programs in the United States.

His association with Dow began early in his career, and his expertise and dedication didn’t take long to be recognized. Today, Hickman holds the prestigious position of Senior R&D Fellow at Dow’s Core Research & Development division, where he leads innovative projects to improve chemical processes and reactor designs. Over the years, he has earned numerous accolades, including being named the Mid-Michigan AIChE Chemical Engineer of the Year in 2014 and receiving the CRE Practice Award in 2015.

Dan Hickman’s Pioneering Work at Dow

At Dow, Hickman has made substantial contributions, particularly in chemical reactor design. Chemical reactors are the heart of any chemical process and are crucial for ensuring efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. Hickman’s work has centred on developing and optimising fluidized-bed reactors, which are widely used for complex gas-solid reactions.

One of Hickman’s key innovations has been scaling up fluidized-bed reactors for industrial applications. Scaling a reactor from a laboratory to an industrial scale is no small feat—it requires precise control over reaction kinetics, heat transfer, and material handling. Hickman’s work on this front has enabled Dow to implement highly efficient and scalable reactors, paving the way for more sustainable and cost-effective chemical manufacturing processes.

Fluidized-Bed Reactors: Hickman’s Signature Innovation

Hickman’s work on fluidized-bed reactors is perhaps the most significant among his numerous projects. These reactors offer several advantages, including the ability to handle highly exothermic reactions and reactive solids, which are critical in many industrial processes. However, designing and optimizing these reactors come with unique challenges, particularly when maintaining consistent reaction kinetics across a large scale.

Hickman’s research has focused on creating reactor systems that can handle these challenges, offering innovative solutions for improving the stability and efficiency of reactions in fluidized beds. His designs have significantly reduced operational risks, improved yields, and minimized environmental impacts, contributing to Dow’s leadership in sustainable chemical manufacturing.

Patent Portfolio and Research Contributions

His impressive patent portfolio evidences Dan Hickman’s prolific career. With over 23 U.S. patents, Hickman has played a critical role in advancing Dow’s technological capabilities. His patents cover a wide range of innovations in chemical engineering, from catalysis to reaction engineering and process safety.

In addition to his patents, Hickman has authored more than 29 journal articles and book chapters and contributed to over 200 internal Dow reports. His publications are widely recognized in the chemical engineering community for their depth of insight and practical applications in industrial settings. His work on reactor kinetics, in particular, has been highly influential, providing valuable guidance for engineers and researchers working on similar projects.

The Future of Chemical Engineering at Dow

As a Senior R&D Fellow, Dan Hickman continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of chemical engineering at Dow. His research focuses on process intensification, which involves redesigning chemical processes to make them more efficient, less energy-intensive, and environmentally friendly. This work is part of Dow’s commitment to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint.

Hickman’s contributions to process intensification include developing modular reactor systems, allowing greater flexibility and control in chemical manufacturing. These systems are designed to be easily scalable and adaptable to various chemical reactions, making them ideal for large-scale industrial applications and smaller, more specialized processes.

Dan Hickman’s Leadership in the AIChE Community

In addition to his work at Dow, Dan Hickman is an active American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) member. His leadership within AIChE has been recognized through various awards and honours, including the CRE Practice Award from AIChE’s Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division. This award is given to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of reaction engineering, a testament to Hickman’s influence and expertise.

Hickman frequently participates in AIChE conferences and workshops, sharing his knowledge and insights with fellow engineers and researchers. His contributions to the AIChE community extend beyond his technical expertise. He is also known for mentoring young engineers and his commitment to fostering the next generation of chemical engineering leaders.

Dan Hickman’s Broader Impact on the Chemical Industry

Dan Hickman’s contributions to Dow and the chemical engineering community have ripple effects throughout the industry. His reactor design and process optimization innovations have improved Dow’s manufacturing capabilities and set new standards for efficiency and sustainability in chemical production.

As the chemical industry continues to face increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact and improve process safety, Hickman’s work provides a roadmap for addressing these challenges. His focus on process intensification and sustainable reactor design aligns with the industry’s growing emphasis on green chemistry and sustainable manufacturing practices.


Dan Hickman’s career at Dow Chemical is a testament to the power of innovation in driving industrial progress. His work on reactor design, process intensification, and sustainable chemical manufacturing has transformed Dow’s operations and set new benchmarks for the chemical industry. With over three decades of experience, Hickman remains a crucial figure in the world of chemical engineering, and his contributions will continue to shape the industry’s future for years to come.

Dan Hickman’s career provides a compelling example of how expertise, innovation, and leadership can create a lasting impact for anyone looking to understand the cutting edge of chemical engineering. His work will undoubtedly continue to inspire engineers and researchers as they tackle the challenges of the future.


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