
Where Did Islam Originate – Conclusion

In a world controlled by Byzantine Christians and Sassanid Persians, with Jewish communities interspersed among them, Islam emerged. Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula during the 7th century CE, specifically in Makkah, present day Saudi Arabia. In 610 CE, prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who is considered as Islam’s last prophet, received divine revelation. 

Muslims believe that the words of god were delivered to him in Arabic by the archangel Gabriel, saying, “Read (O prophet), in the name of your lord, who created man from a clot of congealed blood. Read: and your lord is most generous, who taught knowledge by the pen, taught man what he did not know.” Muslims believe that prophet 

Muhammad (PBUH) continued to receive these revelations and commands his whole life. These revelations were later gathered and compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. The core principle of Islam focuses on monotheism (the belief in one god), the humility to god’s will, and the community (the ummah).

Faith on Messenger of Allah

When the divine messenger of Allah started preaching Islam and reciting the successively revealed surah of the Quran while carrying out this divine order, the people of Makkah were scared, which resulted in a considerable surge of rejection and animosity. Several months went by in this tense atmosphere until the hajj season approached.

The people of Makkah were concerned that if Muhammad (PBUH) began visiting the caravans of pilgrims arriving from across Arabia and reciting the captivating and distinct revelations of the Quran at their gatherings during hajj, his message would penetrate deep into Arabia and reach many individuals.

During this period, Makkah was a thriving city that gained its wealth and power through caravans and the kaba, a shrine and pilgrimage site where the Arabs worshiped pagan deities. Muhammad’s proclamation of a new socio-religious system centered on devotion to a single god, Allah, was not well-received but rulers of Makkah, leading to the exile of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his supporters to the desert town of Yathrib (now known as Madinah).

The 622 CE

This happened in 622 CE, the year of the hijra, also known as “emigration”, signaling the start of the Muslim calendar. In a short time, Makkah also largely accepted Islam as Prophet Muhammad attracted more followers in Madinah. After returning to Makkah, the prophet’s first actions was to purge the kaaba of its idols and recommit the sanctuary to Allah.

Even though muhammad passed away in 632, his supporters, guided by four caliphs called the rightly guided or successors, carried on sharing the teachings of islam. Under their control, the Arab armies spread the new religion and authority from the Arabian peninsula to the Mediterranean coast and the eastern parts of islam.

The Byzantine Empire lost control of Syria, Palestine, and Egypt to the Arabs, who also took over Iraq and Iran from the Sasanian empire. In this region, islam played a key role in nurturing a shared religious, political, and cultural community and building a worldwide empire.

About the Author of This Article

Haleema Limited is the locally based umrah travel agency, offering umrah and hajj packages for the UK muslims. The author of this article belongs to the Haleema Limited and aims to describe the real faith of Islam for those who want to know about the Islam and its blessings. This article is one of the struggles by the writer.

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