
Shot by Both Sides Cyberpunk: Master the Mission with Expert Tips

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Cyberpunk 2077 Experience with This In-Depth Guide

Cyberpunk 2077’s Shot by Both Sides mission, part of the Phantom Liberty DLC, presents players with challenging decisions and rewarding outcomes. This guide provides comprehensive insights and strategies to help you navigate the mission successfully, ensuring you reap the best rewards and enhance your gameplay experience.

Understanding the Mission: Shot by Both Sides

Shot by Both Sides becomes available after completing the main quest, “Get it Together. The mission revolves around a conflict between two characters, Bree Whitney and Dante Caruso, each offering different outcomes based on the player’s choices.

Critical Elements of the Mission

The Conflict

The mission’s core is a confrontation between Bree Whitney, a resourceful individual with her agenda, and Dante Caruso, a figure with significant influence and power. Players must decide who to support, each decision leading to different rewards and consequences.

Choosing Sides

  • Siding with Bree Whitney: Aligning with Bree and eliminating Dante will reward players with Dante’s iconic revolver, Ol’ Reliable.
  • Siding with Dante Caruso: Supporting Dante and killing Bree grants players Bree’s iconic power pistol, Riskit.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough


Before diving into the mission:

  1. Ensure you are well-prepared.
  2. Equip your character with suitable weapons, armor, and cyberwar enhancements.
  3. Stock up on ammunition, health items, and any necessary consumables to handle the upcoming challenges.

Starting the Mission

Once “Get it Together is complete, “Shot by Both Sides will become available. Head to the designated location to initiate the mission. Pay attention to the dialogue and interactions, as they provide crucial context for the choices you will need to make.

Engaging with Bree and Dante

As you engage with Bree and Dante, consider the broader implications of your choices. Both characters have compelling arguments and personal stakes in the conflict. Evaluate their motivations and potential impacts on the game’s storyline.

Confrontation and Decision-Making

  • Siding with Bree: If you choose to support Bree, prepare for a confrontation with Dante. Utilize your combat skills and strategic positioning to defeat him. Once defeated, loot Ol’ Reliable from his body.
  • Siding with Dante: Supporting Dante involves taking down Bree. Approach the confrontation with caution, as Bree is resourceful and formidable. Successfully eliminating her will allow you to claim Riskit.

Strategic Tips for Success

Combat Tactics

  • Cover and Positioning: Use the environment to your advantage. Seek cover during firefights and position yourself strategically to minimize damage.
  • Weapon Choice: Equip weapons that complement your playstyle. Consider using ranged weapons for distance engagements and melee weapons for close-quarters combat.
  • Cyberware Enhancements: Utilize cyberware enhancements to gain an edge in combat. Abilities such as increased reflexes, enhanced vision, and defensive shields can be game-changers.

Dialogue Choices

  • Please pay close attention to dialogue options, as they can influence the outcome of the mission. Choose responses that align with your desired outcome and gather information about Bree and Dante’s motivations.

Resource Management

  • Ammunition and Health: Ensure you have ample ammunition and health items before engaging in the mission. Running out of resources during critical moments can hinder your progress.
  • Consumables: Use consumables strategically to boost your combat effectiveness. Items such as grenades, combat stimulants, and healing items can provide significant advantages.

Rewards and Consequences


  • Ol’ Reliable: An iconic revolver with unique attributes, offering increased damage and critical hit potential.
  • Riskit: A powerful pistol with distinct features, providing enhanced accuracy and rapid-fire capabilities.


  • Storyline Impact: The decision you make in Shot by Both Sides can influence subsequent missions and character interactions. Consider the long-term implications of your choice.
  • Character Relationships: Your relationship with other characters in the game may be affected based on your alignment with Bree or Dante. Building alliances or making enemies can alter the game’s dynamics.

Enhancing Your Gameplay Experience

Exploring Alternatives

  • Multiple Playthroughs: Consider replaying the mission with different choices to experience all possible outcomes and rewards. This can provide a deeper understanding of the game’s narrative and character development.
  • Experimenting with Strategies: Try various combat and dialogue strategies to see how they impact the mission’s progression. Adapting your approach can lead to discoveries and enhanced gameplay.

Immersion and Role-Playing

  • Character Development: Invest time in developing your character’s skills and attributes. A well-rounded character can handle diverse challenges and adapt to different scenarios.
  • Role-Playing Choices: Immerse yourself in the game’s world by making choices that reflect your character’s personality and motivations. This can enhance the overall gaming experience and create a more personalized narrative.


Shot by Both Sides in Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty DLC offers a rich and engaging mission with significant choices and rewards. By understanding the mission’s dynamics, preparing effectively, and making informed decisions, players can maximize their success and enjoyment. Whether you side with Bree Whitney or Dante Caruso, the outcomes and rewards will shape your journey in the expansive world of Cyberpunk 2077.

Master this mission with the insights and strategies provided in this guide, and unlock the full potential of your Cyberpunk 2077 experience. Engage with the conflict, make impactful choices, and reap the rewards that await you in Night City.

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