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Garden Rescue: Proven Vole Control Methods That Work

Voles, small burrowing rodents, can wreak havoc on gardens and landscapes in Des Moines. Often mistaken for moles, these pests have distinct behaviors and cause different types of damage. Voles primarily feed on plant roots and create surface tunnels that can severely affect your garden’s health. Understanding how to manage and eliminate these pests is essential for maintaining a thriving outdoor space.

Identifying Vole Damage

The first step in tackling a vole issue is accurately recognizing the damage they inflict. Common signs of vole activity include:

  • Surface Tunnels: Unlike deeper-digging moles, voles create shallow tunnels that are visible on the ground, winding through garden beds and around plants, leading to noticeable disturbances.
  • Gnawed Roots: Voles feed on the roots of plants, which can cause wilting or death. Checking the roots and stems of affected plants can reveal telltale signs of gnawing.
  • Chewed Vegetation: Voles may also chew on above-ground plants, particularly in winter when other food sources are scarce.

Effective Vole Removal Techniques

To effectively do voles removal in Des Moines and prevent further damage, consider employing a combination of the following strategies:

Physical Barriers

Installing physical barriers is an effective way to deter voles. Use hardware cloth or fine mesh around the garden’s perimeter to keep voles out. Ensure the barrier extends several inches underground to prevent burrowing. This creates a physical barrier that voles cannot easily overcome.


Trapping provides a targeted method for managing vole populations. Use traps specifically designed for voles and place them in active tunnels or near signs of activity. Baiting the traps with appealing food items, such as apples or carrots, can enhance their effectiveness. Remember to check and reset traps regularly to maintain control.

Natural Predators

Encouraging natural predators can help manage vole populations. Birds of prey, such as owls and hawks, along with ground-dwelling predators like snakes, are natural enemies of voles. By creating habitats that attract these predators—such as installing owl nesting boxes—you can leverage their presence to help control vole numbers.


Using repellents can deter voles from entering your garden. There are commercial vole repellents available that can be applied around plants and garden beds. These products often contain ingredients that make the environment unappealing for voles. Homemade solutions, such as those using hot peppers, garlic, or ammonia, can also be effective.

Habitat Modification

Modifying your garden can make it less inviting to voles. Clear away excessive ground cover, tall grass, and dense shrubs that provide shelter. Keeping your garden tidy and reducing potential nesting areas can make it less attractive to voles, decreasing the likelihood of an infestation.

Maintaining a Vole-Free Garden

To prevent future vole infestations, ongoing vigilance is key. Regularly inspect your garden for signs of activity and address any issues immediately. Reapply repellents as needed and ensure that physical barriers are intact. Consistent monitoring and proactive measures will help you keep your garden vole-free.


Voles can pose significant challenges for gardeners in Des Moines, causing damage through their burrowing and feeding habits. By implementing effective removal strategies—such as installing barriers, using traps, encouraging natural predators, applying repellents, and modifying the environment—you can manage and prevent vole infestations. A comprehensive approach will protect your garden, ensuring it remains healthy and vibrant.


What are the signs of a vole infestation?

Signs include surface tunnels, gnawed roots, and chewed plants. Look for these indicators to determine the presence of voles in your garden.

How can I prevent voles from entering my garden?

Use physical barriers like hardware cloth around the perimeter, and consider habitat modification and installing natural predator habitats.

Are there natural methods for repelling voles?

Yes, natural repellents such as hot peppers and garlic can deter voles. Commercial repellents are also effective when used properly.

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