
Joseph White Mental Health Counselor: Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Services in Virginia

When searching for professional mental health counseling services, it’s essential to find a provider who not only understands emotional and psychological well-being but also provides personalized care. Joseph White, a mental health counselor based in Virginia, is a key figure in this space. This article delves into various aspects of his practice, highlighting his qualifications, specialties, and services, while also addressing important topics like his NPI number, contact information, and the services he offers in Virginia’s 804 area code.

Who is Joseph White, Mental Health Counselor in Virginia?

Joseph White is a licensed mental health counselor specializing in addressing a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges. Based in Mechanicsville, Virginia, Joseph White offers comprehensive mental health services to individuals, couples, and groups. His primary focus areas include depression, anxiety, substance abuse, relationship issues, anger management, and support for the LGBTQ community. With a commitment to holistic and consumer-driven therapeutic approaches, Joseph White helps clients improve their mental health by exploring their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Joseph White’s Specializations and Services

1. Mental Health Assessments

Joseph White conducts thorough mental health assessments to understand his clients’ emotional and psychological states. Through these assessments, he identifies the core issues affecting a client’s well-being and formulates a personalized treatment plan.

2. Psychotherapy and Counseling

As a mental health counselor, Joseph White offers both individual and group therapy sessions. These sessions are designed to address various mental health concerns, including stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. His approach involves a blend of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, and mindfulness techniques.

3. Substance Abuse Counseling

One of Joseph White’s specialties is helping individuals struggling with substance abuse. He provides addiction counseling, helping clients break free from destructive habits and offering them tools to rebuild their lives. His therapeutic methods emphasize the importance of self-awareness, resilience, and long-term recovery.

4. Crisis Management

Mental health crises can arise unexpectedly, and Joseph White is trained to offer immediate support during such times. His crisis management services aim to stabilize individuals in distress and provide them with coping mechanisms to handle overwhelming situations.

5. LGBTQ Support

Joseph White offers counseling services tailored to the specific needs of the LGBTQ community. This includes addressing issues related to identity, coming out, relationship dynamics, and mental health challenges that disproportionately affect this group.

Joseph White, Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI Number

The NPI (National Provider Identifier) is a unique identification number given to healthcare providers in the United States. Joseph White’s NPI number is 1982195012. This NPI number ensures that Joseph White is a recognized and registered healthcare provider, offering legitimate and qualified mental health services in Virginia. The NPI system is critical for maintaining the standards and integrity of healthcare providers across the country.

Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia: Phone Number and Area Code 804

For individuals seeking mental health counseling services in Virginia, Joseph White can be reached at 804-585-6016. His practice is located in Mechanicsville, and he services the wider Virginia area, particularly those within the 804 area code. This contact information makes it easy for potential clients to schedule appointments, inquire about services, and get the support they need.

Why Choose Joseph White as Your Mental Health Counselor?

1. Personalized Care

Joseph White emphasizes a client-centered approach in his practice, tailoring each treatment plan to the specific needs of the individual. His personalized approach ensures that clients feel heard and supported in their journey to improved mental health.

2. Extensive Experience

With over six years of experience in the field, Joseph White has established himself as a trusted figure in Virginia’s mental health sector. His background in counseling diverse populations makes him well-equipped to handle a variety of psychological and emotional challenges.

3. Holistic Approach

Joseph White’s therapy sessions are not just about addressing the surface-level issues. His approach is holistic, meaning that he looks at all aspects of a person’s life — including their relationships, work, and social environment — to understand the root cause of their mental health challenges.

4. Licensed and Certified

As a licensed counselor in Virginia, Joseph White meets all the necessary qualifications to practice mental health counseling. His NPI number, as mentioned earlier, verifies his credentials and adherence to state and national regulations.

Understanding Joseph White’s NPI and Contact Information

The NPI number of Joseph White, a mental health counselor in Virginia, is a critical piece of information for those seeking his services. This 10-digit identifier, issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), ensures that Joseph White is a recognized and credentialed healthcare provider. The NPI number is particularly important for patients who require their insurance providers to cover mental health services.

In addition to his NPI number (1982195012), Joseph White’s phone number is 804-585-6016, allowing prospective clients to contact him easily. He is based in Mechanicsville, Virginia, serving clients within the 804 area code and beyond. His office is located at 8104 Elm Dr Ste A, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.


If you’re seeking a dedicated and experienced mental health counselor in Virginia, Joseph White is an excellent choice. With his NPI number 1982195012, you can be assured of his qualifications and credentials. His services are available to individuals and groups struggling with a wide range of emotional and psychological issues, including substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties. Whether you’re located in Mechanicsville or anywhere within the 804 area code, Joseph White is ready to offer compassionate and professional mental health counseling.

For those in need of a mental health professional who truly cares about their well-being, Joseph White provides the support, guidance, and therapeutic interventions necessary to achieve emotional balance and improved mental health. Reach out to him today via 804-585-6016 to begin your journey to wellness.

Additional Focus Areas

In addition to his core services, Joseph White also provides counseling for specific concerns such as anger management, bullying, self-esteem, and issues related to family dynamics. His experience in the Virginia mental health field makes him well-versed in handling complex cases and providing tailored solutions for each client.

Joseph White’s NPI Number and Contact Information ensure that his services are both accessible and credible. His clients benefit from personalized care, a holistic approach to mental health, and a deep understanding of the psychological challenges that people face today. Whether you need help with mental health assessments, addiction counseling, or crisis management, Joseph White is a trusted name in the industry.

In summary, Joseph White is a well-established mental health counselor with the expertise and dedication to help his clients achieve better mental health and overall well-being.

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